My Beliefs  
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OK. I am not going to give you all the details about what goes on in my mind, 'cause I want to write a book later on and if you read it here, well, you won't read it there. and "there" makes me money, while "here" does not.

<Edited: 2/Nov/2001>

I have decided to delete my Philosophy on account of It Being Too Corny.

Buy the book, though. Except I probably won't write it because of this illness I have which gives me consecutive, long-lasting, and not-very-painful bouts of Laziness.


Many people ask me whether I see myself as black or white. I'd like to address that issue right here, right now. I see myself as Iranian. But I do find it easy to identify with the plight of black Americans. Then people ask me whether I'm more attracted to black or white women. I say, what matters is below the skin.


My Opinions on Current Events

These are some opinions on Current Events. for my other opinions, including my essay on a new educational system, check out the "essay" page. When I started this section, I figured it'd be cool cause I'd update it often. Hint: today is the 5th of May.

I think America should stop its bombing of Afghanistan and send in more humanitarian aid supplies. If you have a heart full of vengeance, think of poor, 4-year-old kids first starving to death, then being put out of their misery by heavy things that go boom, targeted against them because of a few maniacs' acts on the other side of the planet.

I think that Israel should give back the Palestinians their land. Yes, the land was taken from the Palestinians in a *fair* war, but then again, France was taken by the Germans in a *fair* war. The world didn't stand aside then, it shouldn't stand aside now.


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Irish setter
That's the breed of my dog. This isn't exactly my dog, but this one looks remarkably similar!

Endangered Species
I am somewhat sensitive towards animals and I really get riled up when I hear about endangered species dying out. See my "the environment" section

Protect our Earth
Restore, reuse, recycle. see my "the environment" pg