

Being Cool
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Propaganda for MS


"He who regards his world in indifference
is truly not merit to live in it"

"Regard all that the Lord has made,
And tremble with wonder"

Most of the things 'bout me you could find out from the "about me" page, but I mostly refrained from listing my interests. Here they are.

This isn't exactly an interest of mine, but it is what I do a lot. I do this while sitting, writing, lying down, walking, whenever. I think about the sorry state of the world: my 'righteousness' coupled with the fact that I notice nearly everything about my surroundings (though I don't show it) means I usually feel sorry for a hell of a lot of people, including myself sometime. But what saves me from ingratitude is

Again, no interest. But I firmly believe that a God exists (although I am one of the most scientific people you'll ever here about. Science cannot explain everything, but it is indispensable to understanding (though this is forever out of our reach) God's power. FYI, I am Muslim. Also keeping with my belief in science, I use

I spend too long on the computer. I know this. I am trying to combat it. I'm starting to ...

...again. I used to read a lot before we moved to paris --> 2 books checked out everyday from our library. The librarians held me in wonder: 6th grade and I read books about Genetics and Nuclear Fission, I bet if I had kept up that level of work at school (nowadays I don't work. Period. It's too easy, thas why next year...well y'all'll see) I'd be in my third year in Harvard by now, I think it's the fault of

This is probably the thing that really messed up my academic record. I did not listen to music in Dubai, and well. Hmm. I guess it was worth it though. I like rap, SOFT rock (not that crazy punk shit), Michael Jackson (have a problem? then get your sorry ass over here and we'll settle it fist-wise), and blues music. I also listen sometimes to jazz, classical, country and oldies. For my favorite rappers, see "Beliefs". My taste in music comes mostly from Ali, some one with whom I do a lot of

-Hanging out
With people I enjoy hanging out with of course. Mostly, I prefer "normal" people, but I also like 1-on-1's with people as imaginative and "in the clouds" as I am. If you think being "in your own world" is bad, then why do I keep

-Getting Good Grades
Call me dork and die. In addition to this, I like

-Making up quotes, theories
As you have seen (or will see, depending on how far I get with this site), I also like publishing my quotes and theories. On a similar theme I also write

Yup. That I do. Never show it to anyone though, except the non-personal ones (eg. Deodorant man and the Salesmen, see the "Essays, etc" section). I have written quite a bit of poetry (though my theory is TV, not quantity), my wish is that I'll get out of this rut of laziness and write a BOOK. In spite of all this though, I love

Might be a strange mix, but I'm both a literature and a mindless movie fan. Some of my favorites include: Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings, GodZilla (I cried when he died...when GODZILLA died you fool.), Rush Hour 2 (one of the only sequels better than the original), Shrek, Jurassic Park (The first two, the third was true shit), and last but not least Ali.


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This site was last updated 11/09/02