I get paid $1.000.000 a year for doing this....
In this edition of Microsoft Propaganda, we promote the XBox, a
next generation gaming console, which you can see a picture of below.
There's is a post a friend sent me from a PS2 message board:
Alright, now I've gotta few things to say bout your few things bout the xbox.
1) Firstly, your're a moderator of a PS2 site. want everyone to know
Q: Most Xbox games are ports with only a little extras and aren't
worth $50
2)What, so Crazy Taxi wz worth $50? What about that horrid time
splitters? Quake, Halflife, Max Payne, Red Faction, etc--> not ports?
please. Besides, if I have a choice between a PS2 version of a port and an
Xbox version I'd go w/the xbox version any day--> usually better graphics,
faster load times, ability to save to HDD, and extras such as online
capability, extra levels, etc.
Today's PS2 games are as good as the Xbox games:
of the mouth of an ignorant hyped up 12-year old, I accept, but you're
supposed to be at least a little "in" the game community. Here's the beef:
the Xbox's games are 1st generation. They are the FIRST XBOX GAMES OUT.
They are basically experiments. The games you are naming on the PS2 (MGS2
- dope game actually ;)) are the cream of the crop, the ps2 has already
been out for what, a year or two. Give Xbox that much time. And if you
REALLY WANT TO COMPARE, compare the games on xbox NOW (DOA3) with the
PS2's starting games. (does DOA3 come CLOSE to say smuggler's run???).
The HDD sony wants to sell is 40GB, the Xbox's is only 8GB
4) The reason, mr. know-all, that MS has not given xbox a bigger hd is
because it doesn't need it. Read on. Also, the sony one will have to be
bought, and not all game developers will provide support for it.
With the PS2 you'll be able to surf the web and do everything as a
normal computer.
5) The reason MS DID NOT GIVE THE XBOX the capability to surf the
next, download, etc. was two-fold: a) Viruses. When you have an open
platform, you get viri. b) then people (who are complete idiots) would say
"oh, xbox sux, it's a computer!!!" What, may i ask, is a ps2????? Also,
the modem for the PS2 will cost $$$
The controller sux
6) I love the controller, tho there have been some size issues, for
which there are remedies (smaller controller sizes). Besides, there are a
lot of 3rd party controllers. And, when I first bought my PS2 (the day it
came out), I HATED its controller config, cause I had gotten used to that
of the N64. But now I think its dope. And I got used to the Xbox
controller too.
Thats all for now. Talk to alla youz laterz
I think
that about summarizes it all. Thank you.