These are my favorite links, they are all more or less useful, so use them
Site Descriptions:
Ali's prepared for A HELL OF A LOT of miss-spelt words!!!
But it's very, very funny. He also has the proven method of going to
sleep with your eyes open!! In class!
iiiiiii-aaaaan and Vincent's new site: Don't worry, it's completely
bilingual, and very funny if you're a retard, very stupid if you're not
"Free yourselves of AOL" Whatever AOL might say, AOL sucks. So go to, and get yourself a REAL email address. Plus, you'll be able
to use MSN Instant Messenger which is 200x better than AIM.
Spitboxer: This is a really dope site for all you wannabe MC's out
there. You post your rap lyrics and people give you suggestions. A real
good rap community.
Samir's site: It's in Norwegian (sorry, Finnish) but what the hell.